Sarah Best Photography

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March Goals & February Recap

Howdy friends!

Hope y'all had a great February! I know mine was pretty jam-packed... more than I thought it would be before February showed up. It was such a good month though- full of fun, amazing, awesome AND hard things- but ALL worth it. Here's a recap!

February Recap:

✔️  1. Host the "photographer's coffee break". - It was a hit! Thank you everyone who came! Love hosting people in our home! 

✔️  2. Photograph one my best friend's engagement session in NEW YORK! - This trip was so great! I'm so thankful for all the super fun experiences I had with my friend and her fiance. Still waiting for the film scans to come in- hoping it will be today or tomorrow (fixers crossed)!  

✔️  3Actually get stuff together for taxes. :-P I did START doing this! *high five to self* #happydance 

     4Continue plans for a styled shoot I've been dreaming up! Eeek! - Does mental preparation count? Hah...

✔️  5. Blog at least twice. - Well, if you include February's goals post then I did. =) 

✔️  6. Continue to update portfolio. 

     7. Finish 2015 welcome packet stuff.

    8. Submit a wedding & session to a wedding blog. 

     9Finish final touch-ups to livingroom paint.  This IS happening this Wednesday! 

✔️  10Dream and plan for the new monthly tradition Sam and I are starting.

      11Send in my 5D Mkll to get a tune up. 

✔️  12Be intentional with friendships.

✔️  13Catch up on business finances. Organization. Organization. Organization.

✔️  14. Continue to wake up and start my "morning ritual" by 7am Sunday-Friday. - You know what, I read this and kind of felt like I failed, but looking back over February COMPARED to January, I did SO MUCH BETTER! So "✔️ " it is! 

✔️  15. And last but not least: go on a hott date with the hubs for Valentines day! :-D - Double check! 


Well, February wasn't too shabby on the "To do" list, but could be better... But you know what?? THAT'S OKAY! I'm learning so much about having grace with myself and not having too high of expectations. Yeah these were "goals", but I tend to put more on my plate and then prioritize within my goals what has to be done in that moment (or day or week, etc...),  and that is what I try and tackle first, and then leave the rest to be done later. Maybe that sounds a little bit like a contradiction, "don't have too high expectations"  & "put more on your list, then prioritize" but it works for me. :-)   

Here's Meggie & Matt being awesome in Central Park! 


March Goals:


1. Celebrate w/ two great couples and shoot 2 beautiful weddings!

2. Shoot my first all film styled shoot!

3. Start our family's new monthly tradition. 

4. Get organized on all admin fronts (taxes, budgeting, new bookkeeping system, etc...)

5. Blog 1 wedding & 1 session.

6. Finish painting living room and start on kitchen!

7. Attend a marriage retreat with Sam.

8. Attend our life group retreat.

9. Have new family photos taken by Loft Photographie! (We won their christmas giveaway!) #winning 

10. Submit a fall wedding to a blog (i'm having to really crack down on the details here)! Hah!

11. Order print products for office. 

12. Plan week every Sunday. 

13. Start runing 1-2 times a week and continue to do crossfit 2-3 times a week. 

14. Crack down (aka get organized/make it happen) on personal & work boundary lines as well as my morning ritual.  


And here's another sneak peek from New York!